Board of Directors

Sanford Riggs
Sanford Riggs has been a member of the CommUnify Board since 2019. His long career, expertise, and commitment to providing low-income residents access to affordable housing aligns with our mission to improve the economic security of our community.
Mr. Riggs has been with The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara (HACSB) since 2015 and currently serves as Director of Operations. He was previously Director of Housing Programs for HACSB. Prior to joining HACSB, Mr. Riggs moved up the ranks for the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles first as Human Resources Director, then as Housing Services Director where he was responsible for the management of over 6,500 public housing units in 14 large public housing developments within the City of Los Angeles and managed an annual budget of over 52 million dollars and a staff of 280. In total, Mr. Riggs has more than 25 years of experience working for various Housing Authorities in the State of California.
Mr. Riggs is a member of the Mayor’s Task Force on Youth Safety in Santa Maria and is a former member of the Los Angeles Mayor’s Gang Reduction Task Force. He has received Career Service Awards by former Mayor Tom Bradley, City of Los Angeles as well as a Certificate of Award by the California State Assembly from Representative Maxine Waters to acknowledge the success of his efforts to source and secure apprenticeship opportunities for residents.
Mr. Riggs earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management from University of Redlands, California and currently resides in Lompoc with his family.